Short and Sweet with an Important Message!
This will be short and sweet. I hope! It was a great weekend with Myah's BFFs family. We really enjoyed the girls and the beach. We have stayed at the Cocomar Hotel in Parrita 7 times now since we've moved to Costa Rica. The Beach there is Palo Seco. It's up past Jaco. Jaco is pretty famous because it's a real surfing town. I like Jaco a lot...very honky tonk.
Right now, I am going to brag about my daughter. She has had a real fear of putting her head under the water. In swim class at school, she cried a few times, as going under water was this thing that really bothered her. About a week ago her friends Isabela and Grace both came over to swim. Isabela is a good swimmer and goes under water all the time. Grace was like Myah, afraid to go under the water. That afternoon, Myah (as she put it) faced her fears and went under the water not just once but more times than we could count. Grace also decided to face her demons and went under the water too.
This past weekend Myah swam on her own for the first time without her swimming noodle. She has informed us she no longer needs it in the water. It is great to see my beautiful 4 year old feel her own sense of accomplishment. We are so proud of her!!!
Love and Peace toYou All!