School Field Trip Costa Rican Style...

Well, yesterday I was exposed to a Guanacaste school field trip! Myah had asked me to go so how could I refuse?! Our trip was a boat ride on a Catamaran out in the ocean. It was absolutely! beautiful. Both first grade classes went on the trip. The kids had fun spotting dolphins and a sea turtle. Myah and I swam to a small beach with some other kids and their parents, while the others stayed closer to the boat.
Swimming in the fresh water with mountains all around us was breathtaking. The parents and kids had such a good time. I loved experiencing this with my daughter. She really had a good time, but we both didn't realize how far we had to swim to get to the beach! We were all tired when the trip ended.
While I was on the boat I thought back to my school trips as a kid. My Mom went on every trip with me even after she went back to work. Such great memories. Made me miss my Mom right in the middle of our field trip. Grateful for my Mom doing that with me and I am now following in her footsteps.
Still hard to believe I am still on this earth and breathing without my Mom being here. I really miss sharing my life with her. What a gift my Mother was. She wasn't perfect, but she was still pretty awesome!!
It's been hard finding footing after my Mom's death. I now have no parents and I know that's hard for anyone. With me, I was a latch key kid, but as an adult I was able to spend some really good quality time with my parents. I looked forward spending time with them and vice versa. Very grateful God gave us this time, but I am greedy and always want more.
I am taking in and enjoying every moment with my husband and daughter. I know it's not forever, so I try to let go of the things that can make me miss out on the joy of my two loves!
Love and Peace!
Some fun Pics!
