Happy New Year!
Yes, it's a new year with new possibilities even as this pandemic keeps on going. Hard to grasp I know. I think we are all pandemic weary right now with this new variant Omicron.
My daughter Myah is 8yrs old and on Christmas night when I was putting her to bed she broke down and cried. "It doesn't feel like Christmas Mommy!" Nothing feels the same right now and especially for children. Everyone says children are resilient and that's bullshit! I experienced my first trauma at 5yrs old and just recovered from that at 58.
It's been a rough 4 or 5 months for all of us here in my house. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, we had covid, Myah and I were in a car accident. Also Myah's best friend moved back to Canada on Christmas Eve.
So, I held my daughter and let her cry. She has the right to her feelings and I find when I let her have her feelings that our relationship works better and we are closer.
When she was through crying I said it's been hard for all of us and I can appreciate how she feels. I told her that Daddy and I have never been through a pandemic and it's hard but we are here together and that is what matters.
There isn't much to say. I don't want to lie to my daughter because we don't know how this is going to end. Uncertainty is very hard for human beings. Especially in our information-rich society.
The word that keeps coming up for me since the pandemic has began is "Compassion." Compassion for myself and others.
The world is definitely changing and how we deal with these changes will support the future generation.
Keep the faith that we will make it through!
Love & Peace