Healing with Kundalini Activating Process (KAP)



One of the things I like about living in Costa Rica is that there is a plethora of healing modalities going on all the time. Of course they have tons of yoga classes, plant medicine classes, ecstatic dance and my new found favorite :Kundalini activating process.

It's better know as KAP. This not kundalini yoga but energy work. I discovered this last December when a mother from my daughter's school offered to facilitate KAP at La Senda which is home to an amazing organic garden, but also home of the largest labyrinth in the world. The labyrinth is made up of these humungous cacti. Here is a quote from their site. "While a maze will get you lost, and you will have to find a way out, a labyrinth has only one path, symbolizing our life's journey taking us inwards."

So, here I am in this dome facing this labyrinth with at least 30 other women not knowing what to expect. Our facilitator Anne explains the process and also demonstrates on someone who has done the work before. Now, we are all laying on our yoga mats and Anne puts on this music that radiates everywhere and especially in your body. She then goes around and touches your crown, third eye, heart and sacral chakras. This activates the energy in your body. This was the first experience for me and each one I've had after has been transformative. My body movements are unconscious; I've screamed, moaned and cried. But mostly I sing. Not a particular song but music comes out of me. I've had conversations with both my deceased parents and the privilege of dancing with Jesus. Someone said that KAP is like having a psychedelic experience without taking psychedelics. A perfect definition.  After a KAP session I feel radiant, joyful, beautiful, loved and most importantly calm. KAP has helped my anxiety be released from my body. I am now living life on purpose. I've been taking KAP sessions at least 2x's a month since December.

One of the many things KAP has brought into my life other than the release of my anxiety is a heightened sense of self.  This brought me to acting in a Dinner Murder Mystery Theater. I had so much fun being this outrageous character. My dream when I was younger was to be an actress, but all my fear and anxiety stopped me from pursuing this as my career. When I did this show, I had no fear beyond just the usual nerves to go on stage. What really made it for me was that my daughter got to see me do something I love without all the drama. 

Anne has become a beacon of light in my life. She provides her home and the space in her heart for all of us to exceed our limitations. One of my favorite things is after the session Anne puts out these Goddess, Scared, and Surrender cards. Somehow their messages always align with what I just experienced or what I am working on myself internally. An example is the first time I had a conversation with my mother, the goddess card I picked was St. Teresa; my mother's name is Theresa.

You can find a lot of info about KAP. I highly recommend it for everyone, but especially those who suffer with anxiety and depression.

Love & Peace 


Link to La Senda: https://lasendacostarica.com/en/

Here is a description I found for you on KAP

The Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a transmission of life force energy. This process was founded by Venant Wong, who discovered he could activate a person’s Kundalini through touch by working with the energy systems and meridian points. Certified KAP facilitators transmit non-dual awareness and kundalini energy that enters through the crown chakra and flows down toward the root chakra. Therefore, the combination of non-dual awareness and universal life force (kundalini) energy is the Kundalini Activation Process.

Unlike most kundalini practices, such as kundalini yoga or tantra, this is not a self-generating process where you are working to move your kundalini energy upwards. This way of activation can cause some unfavorable or unexpected experiences because it’s generally common for there to be blockages in the higher energy points and chakras. With that being said, as the energy rises, it can have some resistance when attempting to elevate. However, the process of KAP is much different.

Since the energy is transmitted through the crown, it works to alleviate any stagnant energies within the higher chakras before reaching the root chakra where eventually the energies of the transmission and one’s own kundalini energy, begin to flow both ways. It’s a very natural process that won’t shock the system in any way. By simply allowing this intelligent energy to do exactly what your system needs in the moment, KAP is said to produce profound effects.
