She's a Tween!!!!!
My beautiful little girl is now becoming a tween! It's all happening so fast. Myah started 6th grade this year and is now officially a middle schooler. It's was hard the first few days for this Mama Bear....
A couple nights before school started, Myah said, "Maybe mama since I'm going to be in 6th grade, you don't have to put me to bed anymore." No, I did not feel a stab in my heart...but just sad.
Putting Myah to bed has always been the favorite part of my day. When she was an infant I would sing, play music and hold her until she went to sleep. Around 8 or 9 months I started reading books with shapes, colors and numbers. As a toddler we read three books a night. I loved buying stories for us to read. Of course we did Dr Seuss, Piggy& Elephant books, Olivia, Lola and Charlie and my favorite Make way for Ducklings. Later we did the Rosie Revere the Engineer, Ada Twist the Scientist, Iggy Peck the Architect and Rosie Valdez for Prez. Then the Todd books! Love the World, The Peace book and of course the banned book, "The Family". I gradually started reading some of my favorites. The Secret Garden, Pippi Longstocking and Charlotte's Web which I just found out is also banned. Of course a variety of books on famous women and "She Persisted" by Chelsea Clinton. I bought her that book and so did several other people.
As she grew older, we delved into J.K. Rowling's world of Harry Potter! We read all seven books and so enjoyed being at Hogwarts that we both decided to read the series on our own again!
It's not just the stories that are great about putting Myah to bed. It's our time to giggle and for her to tell me what went on in her day that had significance or not.
So, after she told me that she may not want me to put her to bed, I told her that made me sad, but I understood she is growing up. I wouldn't have said anything if I knew she was going to cry. Of course I felt bad. I said it's a part of life to be growing up and honestly it's been exciting to watch. Then she turned over and started to cry more. I said "what's going on?" And she replied, "So many changes coming Mama."
She's right they are here and more are coming. I can't bear to think of her going off to college. And Boys! It's all happening so fast. I love the person she is growing up to be, but just wish the toddler years lasted a little longer.
I know the tween will turn into a teen! Am I ready? Probably not. But I do pray that she has better teen years than I did. What I do hope is that I can be the pillar of strength my mother was for me. Interestingly I think they need us more as teens, but as an unwavering force of love and to let go along the way.
Myah is magical to me and being her mother is such a blessing. She is an answered prayer and I love and respect God for answering such an audacious prayer!
Love & Peace