New Memories and Old Memories

Photo by Jesse Epstein


Happy Monday! Yes, I just said that and not just because I'm living in Paradise. Actually we all live in Paradise it's all the negativity around us that stops us believing that Paradise is right before them!  I love writing this blog so that is Paradise for me! I just want to stay on my authentic journey as much as possible.

Our weekend was pleasant for the most part. We spent a lovely Saturday at Myah's friend's place. She lives on a 16 acre farm with 2 lakes, 2 pools and a beautiful home built by her Italian father who is an architect. The girls had so much fun together. They rode Myah's bike and fed the ducks. We saw a baby lamb who was just born on Thursday. It was nice seeing Myah with her new friend. Most of Myah's new friends are only children like her. When we were leaving Grace was crying and Myah was sad. I know when Grace visits us, Myah will be crying. We were there a long time. It was just a great day! Grace's mom is great and we enjoyed being there.  You can't believe all the ducks they have. They all just flocked there.  None of them were brought in.  Amazing!!!!

All photos by Jesse Epstein

I just realized how perfect it was to have such a fun day on Saturday. It would of been my Aunt Nancy's 82nd Birthday. She was all about fun and enjoying life! The funny thing is I wanted to honor her day since I couldn't make my traditional call, and we did by going to Myah's friends house.
Photo by Alan Spatz
Sunday turns out that it would have been my father's 85th Birthday. He's been gone over 17 years and it still is tough.  I try to honor my father every day by treating people and myself with respect. I get sad that Myah doesn't have him in her life. He was so silly and she is too.

Photo Anonymous
Unfortunately I had a hard day. My hemoglobin is low so I was tired all day and was in bed for most of the day. Myah and I played a little and watched some TV together, but for the most part I felt like a horrible mother. She enjoys when we do things together. I felt like if I rested yesterday that I would feel better today. Maybe a little, but I'm not letting it get me depressed. Everything is going to be good! Thanksgiving is coming!!!!

Love and Peace to You All!!

