A Walk on the Costa Rican Side.....

I live in Guachipelin


Well, today I did something I've been wanting to do for awhile and that's walk!!! In New York I walked everywhere and miles at a time without thinking about it. Here we are in the car all the time. Have been mulling over the idea of walking to Starbucks from our house. It didn't seem too long to a seasoned trekker like me. I decided over the weekend I would do the walk today.

Now I did it! I left my house at 9:30 and walked through our development. It was lovely and I tried to video tape on Instagram but my techno skills lack. Plus my hands were shaking badly. A very nice start to a traffic filled walk. At first I was just walking and listening to Pink. Zoning out like I usually do when I'm walking. Then I realized I should observe and take pics. I was basically walking besides the highway. Passing nice Condos then a shopping mall and grass. Trying to get across the highway was bad but all in all it was a great walk.The major observation was that it was getting hard to walk then I realized I am on a mountain!! I also can't compare here and New York walking because there is nothing like walking the streets of New York. Well, unless you run into tourists!!!

Tonight we are celebrating Children's day and Costa Rican Independence day in our development. I never thought we would make it. I am on a WhatsApp group with everyone here and it's all in Spanish.There is a translate app I use but there were so many messages so I finally sent translated message in Spanish explaining there were too many messages and what was the event and could I bring something. Thank god for technology because I had people get back to me in English.  I didn't want us to miss out on the opportunity of meeting more neighbors and Myah some more kids.

I like it here but it's hard sometimes. Especially for Myah. We all miss our friends and the city. Working on not having expectations. It get's lonely and I want my life to be all put together. I'm really not sure how to describe this in limbo feeling I have. Like my life is about to take off, but where and how?

Tomorrow continues the Independence Day Celebration at Myah's school. She will be in a traditional Costa Rican Costume. She doesn't want to wear it. At first I thought because she is American but no it's not a princess costume! Little girls are too much! They have no school Friday so we are taking off for the beach! Write you from there and post video and some pics.


Rosanna Russell said…
Hi Gina! Well, it's going to be ... a process, like anything worth doing. I remember when you told us (we were in a group it seems) that a guy in one of your classes had asked you out on a date. You went, you had a nice time, you started to hang out together. This guy was going through a very rough patch himself after his then-wife told him not to go to Connecticut, where she had moved for work. He was living in a wretched little apt. with a true Goth roommate!!!! It was months before you decided to commit to a relationship... one step at a time, learning to trust one another, getting to know one another better... It Takes Time... There are no short cuts to building relationships. And it takes work... All this does not take away your feelings of missing NY, missing friends, feelings of major adjustment pains, it's part of the process... a long adjustment process ahead. You are very blessed on so many fronts! You have what it takes to do this!!! Still, it's going to be a bit of a "rollercoaster ride"!! Settle in for the biggest thrills that are yet to come!!!!!!!!