Taboo Talk Happening in Costa Rica


Today, I make my debut on a radio show! I'm so excited to be able to contribute to mental health wellness. It is such a rare thing that is talked about. People mostly focus on the illness and have very little knowledge that many people are in recovery having fulfilling lives. There are those with mental illness who need support and need to know that they can have a life they love.

Many of us with mental illness are so hard on ourselves. Partly because our mental illness causes us to do some dumb things and sometimes we hurt ourselves and loved ones. This perpetuates a spiral of self loathing that is hard to come out of, especially because of the world's view that you are crazy!  The strength and courage of the mentally ill is surpassed by no one. I say that because I am bipolar and I know the fight it is every day to just get out of bed. We fight to be well, and even when we are in recovery, we still have to fight. We have to watch for triggers and find the things that keep us out of our heads so to speak.  Carrie Fisher used to say you need to have balls to have a mental illness! I think she is right, but I would said vagina! We rarely give ourselves credit for where we've been, what we've gone through, and what it takes to manage an illness like this.  It has been hard to for me to embrace my journey and it's only because of my incredible husband and friends that I am now. I am also embracing it for Myah's sake. If I don't embrace my accomplishments, how will she be able to embrace hers?

Please listen to me today on Taboo Talk at 2pm Eastern Standard Time. You can go to my face book fan page to click onto the show and also there is info to listen later if you miss it.

Love and Peace to You All!

